Eye protection: 7 tips to prevent eye injuries at work
Did you know that eye injuries are the most common workplace injury? Every day, approximately 200 people in Canada suffer an eye injury in the workplace. Fortunately, there are effective protocols and measures that employers can implement to reduce or eliminate the risk of eye injuries at work.
The eye protection experts at LookSecure share the best practices to create safe working environments.
1. Identify the main eye risks
This is a crucial step in providing eye protection adapted to the reality of your workers. Indeed, each workspace comes with its set of hazards. You can identify the equipment, materials, procedures, and tasks that can cause damage to the employee’s vision by inspecting the various workstations.
Some of the main ocular risks include:
- Chemicals
- Bioaerosols
- Projectile objects
- Particles and dust
- Sparks
- Intense radiation
- Liquid or molten metal splashes
2. Choose the proper type of eye protection
The different risks present in your workplace will influence the choice of protective frames offered to your workers. It is, therefore, necessary to provide them with eye protection adapted to their work environment.
The choice of frame material, level of protection and type of lens will be influenced by the work environment of the employees.
For example, metal frames conduct heat and electricity. They are not suitable for use in high-temperature environments or where electricity is present.
3. Provide protection that meets CSA Z94.3 standards
According to the CNESST, the wearing of eye protection that complies with the CAN/CSA Z94.3 standard is mandatory for any worker exposed to a hazard that may cause an injury to the eyes or face caused by:
- Particles or objects;
- Hazardous materials or molten metals;
- Intense radiation.
If these contexts are not applicable to your work environment, eye protection must follow the CAN/CSA Z94.3-92 standard, the CAN/CSA Z94.3-99 standard or the CAN/CSA Z94.3-02 standard. All frames offered at LookSecure are CSA Z94.3 certified.
In addition, if eye and face protection is manufactured more than 24 months after the last update of the standard, the protection is no longer considered compliant.
4. Properly fitting eyewear
The frames must fit the workers’ faces properly so they remain stable with every movement. Also, the worker should not feel the frame in their face to make sure they are comfortable all day.
Safety glasses fitting is done by eye care professionals who will ensure that the frame is stable in the worker’s face by checking the tip behind the ears and the support of the frame bridge (for moulded bridge plastic models) and the support of the frame’s plates (for metal models).
5. Offer prescription lenses
Uncorrected eye problems are a big source of danger for workers. It is therefore essential to provide clear vision to employees with vision problems by offering them safety glasses that include their prescription.
At LookSecure, all employees eligible for your corporate eyewear program are welcome at one of our 375 points of service (New Look, Iris, Greiche & Scaff, etc.) for a measurement, eye exam (if eligible) and frame selection among the choices adapted to their work environment.
6. Inspect eye protection equipment frequently
Preventing eye injuries also requires frequent inspection of protective frames and renewal of equipment according to updated government standards.
To ensure the longevity of frames and optimal protection, here are some practical tips to implement:
- Clean lenses and frames with a suitable product, never dry, and with the microfiber cloth provided with each pair of glasses at LookSecure;
- Clean the lenses daily according to the manufacturer’s instructions;
- Make an appointment with an optician if the frame becomes loose or the comfort is no longer optimal;
- Make sure the screws are always tight;
- If the frame breaks or there is a scratch on the lens, take steps to have the protective eyewear repaired;
- Store the glasses in the LookSecure case when removing them from the face to avoid damaging or scratching them;
- Always handle the frame with both hands and be sure not to drop the eyewear on the side of the lenses to avoid scratches.
7. Plan for emergency procedures
If an employee suffers an eye injury, know that the first few seconds are critical. Make sure first aid equipment and eyewash stations are readily available.
We also recommend that you train your employees in first aid procedures!
Ask our eye protection experts for advice
Take advantage of the expertise of LookSecure’s eye specialists to identify the various dangers present in your workplace and offer your workers the best possible eye protection.
We protect workers’ vision and offer turnkey prescription eyewear programs that meet the needs of your industry
Let us help you create safer work environments, one pair of glasses at a time.